Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lots of changes

We finished up our First Eight Weeks Kick Off at Delta State last Wednesday and I took the opportunity of having a few days off to go home!  I spent some much needed time with my family, got a hair cut, hung out with my best friend Lisa in Atlanta (and did some shopping at IKEA), went to a wedding and got to see some of my closest friends from Berry, did some more shopping with Morgan in Rome, and then loaded up my car to head back to Mississippi!  I was in Georgia for less than a week and it was a very rushed few days with lots of people to see and things to do before officially moving.  Even amidst all of the craziness, it was still great just to be home for a few days and spend time with friends and family that have had such a deep impact on my life. 

I’ll post some pictures from the beautiful and super fun wedding of my good friend Trevor.  His now wife Kelsey battled and defeated leukemia this past year and their relationship is such an incredible representation of Christ’s love and the hope we have in the Lord as believers.  I really value my friendship with Trevor and am so excited for he and Kelsey as they begin their new life together.

In more recent news, I am now in Mississippi for good! The only bad part is that Angie and I cannot move into our house yet because they are still fixing a few things and painting.  We are hoping to be able to move in this weekend though!  In the meantime, I’ve been sleeping on some very generous friends’ floor in Byram. 

We started training on Wednesday with the Barksdale Reading Institute.  They work in four different schools in Mississippi and train and pay the administrators in those schools as well as train and provide coaching support for all of the teachers in Read Well.  So far, I have enjoyed it and am excited to implement it in my classroom!  Sitting in meetings/trainings, however, is not really my favorite thing to do.  Especially when there is so much work to be done in my classroom!  I know it is necessary and we start Hazlehurst training/pre-planning next week so there is time built in to work in our classrooms then. 

Hopefully by the next post I will have pictures to include of our new house (including the washer/dryer we just bought) and maybe even of my classroom!  There is lots of work to be done to prepare for the first day of school.  I cannot believe school starts in a week…where has the time gone!?!?! 

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and words of encouragement during the time of transition into this next season of life.  I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for me in Hazlehurst!

I can't believe he's married!!!
Crazy friend and one of the groomsmen, Will Reese!

Love this girl so much! 

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