Sunday, December 16, 2012


This morning at church, our pastor spoke about the peace that Jesus provides.  The peace of knowing Him as our Lord and Savior and then a second peace that he gives us in all situations through knowing Him.  I am so grateful for peace and it is one thing I constantly feel.  Even on the days when I feel like I don't have the strength to get up and go another day.  And those days when my patience runs out and love is not obvious in my actions or words.  There are other days when preparing lesson plans feels hopeless because it never goes the way I want it or they just don't get it.  But amidst all these other feelings, I have peace.  And not just a peace that everything is going to be okay but that everything is already okay because it is all HIS hands.  He gives me peace about my decision to move to Mississippi.  He gives me peace about my finances.  He gives me peace about what the next year and a half will hold.  He gives me peace about all those other bad feelings I get because He has it all under control.  I never really have been much of a worrier and I know it is because of that peace that can only come from the Lord Almighty.  With the tragedy that happened in Connecticut, we have to trust in His will while clinging to His promises and His peace.  

"And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:7

This week will be filled with holiday fun as we take 9 weeks tests and prepare for the 3rd/4th grade holiday concert on Thursday.  I am especially looking forward to doing some "Holidays around the World" activities throughout the week.  I cannot wait to be home next weekend though!

Best of friends!  We went to several holiday parties this weekend to help us get in the holiday spirit before heading to our  families next week.  Me to Georgia, Jenna to Ohio, Angie to Texas, and Amber to Tennessee!

1 comment:

  1. To quote the hymn, " I can face tomorrow, because He lives." I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know WHO holds tomorrow. I'm glad you have peace that passes all understanding.
